Thursday, June 5, 2008


I decided to re-write this blog for today (some of you may notice). In the original I was pretty upset, so that there are no misinterpretations I am doing a re-write...

I lost my job today. This afternoon I was handed my paycheck and told that I was being let go. I have a good feeling I wasn't the only one considering I heard about some payroll checks that would be sent out through certified mail. I probably wasn't supposed to hear that but oh well.

I was pretty pissed off when I left (who wouldn't be). I had just got this job not too long ago so being back on the job hunt won't be fun. I have three prospects, so hopefully by Wednesday I will have a new one. Cross your fingers on that one.

In the original blog I posted today I said some pretty nasty things. As upset as I was I'm sure it is understandable. I have never been written up, fired, or laid off from any job I have ever had, so this was quite the shock for me. But after a few margaritas with Kayle I think I have mellowed out a little bit.

The one thing that I do not like about this situation is that I was never given a straight answer. I hate that. If you are getting rid of an employee you should be able to look them in the face and tell them exactly what is up. Instead of, "It came from the higher-ups." I'm sorry but that doesn't sound very professional. I think that's what really made me mad. More than losing my job. If it's for budget cuts then say so. If it is because I did something wrong, then say so. But, do not hand me my paycheck, sit me down, and just say "bye." I think every person deserves better than that. It sounds kinda shady to me. I have always been honest to employers and my coworkers. I think they should show me the same respect. I felt like Milton in that movie "Office Space." They just took him off the payroll and hoped the situation would take care of itself 'naturally'.

Oh well. Right now it is whatever.

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